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Client Reviews

Burke & Casserly has been our family attorney for 30 years. They have been there for all aspects of law from real estate transactions to wills and planning. Much of our family's success can be linked back to good legal advice from this firm. We highly recommend them!


My wife and I have used Tim and his firm for a number of years. He has provided support in the area of elder care services for my elderly mother, our personal estate planning and real estate transactions. We have always been well served by Mr. Casserly and his staff. They are attentive to our needs...


Tim and his firm recently navigated our family through a difficult lawsuit during a large real estate transaction. He lead the way with conviction and tenacity. His perseverance kept us out of court leading to the eventual closing of a property that has changed the lives of many. Tim is not just a...


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  2. 2 Focused on Your Financial Success Since 1988
  3. 3 Let Us Help You Plan Your Life's Journey
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